Chloe had a relatively quiet day recovering from her surgery late last night. She is kept comfortable with doses of morphine every 3 hours. They hope to start her G-tube feeds early tomorrow morning. The PICU was concerned because she had not peed since her surgery last night. Around noon they eventually had to insert a catheter to help her along. They were discussing inserting a foley catheter if she continued to have urinary retention. Then around 10pm - the flood gates opened!! She peed! Thank goodness for small miracles!
You start to think that you've been in one place too long when everyone from the valet attendant, janitor, the pizza delivery guy, nurses, physicians, EEG technicians, therapists and unit clerks know you. They either know you by name, by the car you drive, who you're visiting, or the fact they know it's your turn to stay overnight. That is our reality right now. We're not exactly sure if we should be happy or sad that everyone knows Chloe. Nurses, therapists, physicians, and residents who have cared for Chloe stop in even when they're not assigned to her and check on her status. We have seen Chloe's roommates admitted and discharged multiple times, and think to ourselves, "When will it be our turn?"
With each passing day the weight of all that has transpired slowly chips away at me. If it's difficult for me, I can only imagine how much more difficult it is for my wife. Michelle is with Chloe for the better part of the day and sees every test, blood draw and x-ray that Chloe undergoes. She is witness to every little cry and grimace and she can only hold her hand and say everything will be okay. I rely on her to be strong as she relies on me. It is difficult and we are tired but we do it because we are parents and our daughters rely on us.
Thank you everyone for your continued prayers.
Rethier, Michelle, Olivia & Chloe
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