Sunday, November 15, 2009

November 15 - 38 days

Chloe was stepped down to the regular pediatric floor yesterday! Definitely a move in the right direction. Of course, after a month in the PICU we were quite comfortable with the staff and care we received on that unit. So now we deal with new staff who are not familiar with our story and struggle to trust them with the care of our daughter. We pray that our stay on the general pediatric floor will be short and her discharge to her rehab facility will be soon. We are crossing our fingers for a discharge by the end of the week.

Prior to her discharge, Chloe will need her eyes and ears checked to see if there has been any loss. In order for her to be discharged she has to be able to tolerate her feeds through her new G-tube. They have slowly been increasing her feeds and she has been tolerating it well. Tonight we start a mix of pedialyte with her formula and slowly move to an appropriate feeding schedule for her. We will also need to make sure that Chloe's seizure medicines are the right dose for her and she will most likely go through another MRI/CT scan at some point to check the pressure of her brain fluid.

We now prepare ourselves to climb the next mountain. The mountain on the road to recovery. Our patience and faith was put to the test this past month. I have a feeling the next couple months will be an even larger test on our family strength, faith and patience. Chloe's road to recovery will not be quick, but she has proven, time and time again that she is a fighter. I am sure there will be many more bumps and setbacks in the road ahead. Knowing this, we dig deep within ourselves and draw the energy needed for Chloe's rehab to be a success.

Thank you to everyone for your continued thoughts and prayers and please know that we could not have been as strong as we are without your prayers, love and support. And to all our visitors, we hope to see you soon. You can find us still in the Greenberg Pavilion but in 6 North, Room 216. As we move closer and closer to our hopeful discharge, we hope that we can enjoy our visits as much as possible, as we know that it will be more difficult for family and friends to travel to a rehab facility.

Much love and thanks,

Rethier, Michelle, Olivia & Chloe


  1. Hi guys,
    It's great to hear that Chloe is getting better and tolerating her feedings. We hope she has a quiet week and is able to go to rehab. I wanted to get back to you regarding St. Mary's in Bayside. My friend was an RN their for 1 year. Although this was is 2000 and she wasn't on the rehab floors..she said that it is a terrific place for the children and their families. The staff was always caring and determined to help the entire family through the process. I don't know if you have made a choice for Chloe's rehab but I thought I would pass along my friends opinion. I'm sure you will make the best choice for Chloe.Hugs and kisses to Chloe and Olivia!
    Much Love and prayers..
    Dina, George,Matthew and Ella

  2. hellO family.....i`m glad tO read abOut her prOgress sO far & with all this pain that yOur family is experiencing there is JOY with each day thats shared tOgether... lOve u guys sOOoo much <3 xOxo derica benjamin
